What Chapter Are You On?
David can't wait until he can read. For now, he picks up a chapter book, like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or a Ramona or Harry Potter book, puts his finger in a page in the middle, and carries it over to one of us, saying triumphantly, "I'm on Chapter 3, Mommy!" He will then come back 10 seconds later, with his finger in the same page, saying, "I'm on Chapter 4, Mommy!"
With the Harry Potter books in particular, because he has seen Charlie and me reading them frequently, he recognizes them from the cover. He'll pick one up, climb on the couch with the book open on his lap (sometimes upside down) and say, "I'm reading Harry Potter, Mommy! See?"
Just before the new one came out, I was reading one of the older ones to refresh my memory. He was sitting on the opposite couch playing with a toy phone. He said to me, "Mommy, can I read Harry Potter?"
"Yes," I answered, without looking up. It didn't seem worthwhile to explain that they were not for children his age. But he figured it out.
"When I'm bigger?"
"Yes, when you're bigger."
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