The Mackeys

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Random Dialogue with Sarah

Sarah, making Auntie Caroline's birthday card: How old is she turning?
Me: Uh... I'm not sure.
Sarah: Well, how old is she now, and I'll tell you how old she is turning.
Me: Well, that's the part I don't remember. Why don't you draw something else and don't put the numbers on there?
Sarah: OK. I'll draw Sydney and Jack. (long pause) Would you say Sydney is a red-haired person?

Fake talking on a toy cell phone in the car on the way to church: Allison and I are a one-to-one correspondence. That means we match.

Me: You know, when I was a kid we used to walk to school.
Sarah: Why? Were cars not invented yet?
Me: No, cars were invented, that was just how we got to school. And the grown-ups didn't even walk with us -- the kids just walked by ourselves.
Sarah: Were you scared?
Me: No. There was nothing to be scared of. That was just how it was.
Sarah: Weird.


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