Turkey Day
Two days before Thanksgiving, Charlie started planning the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game. He and Grandpa picked teams, but since Grandpa thought they were picking teams for Celebrity (a guessing game we like to play), they wound up with all the men on one side. It took some convincing to get Charlie to agree to post-draft trades, but eventually he relented and allowed an Auntie Caroline/Uncle John swap.
Charlie spent the next 48 hours writing plays in a play book and calling (poorly attended) team meetings and practice sessions for his side. His daddy, always up for a game, practiced with him Wednesday and worked on some flashy plays. When I asked Charlie to write a play for the opposing team, he offered a play called "The Interception." Which he found quite funny.
Unfortunately, Thanksgiving Day brought freezing rain and a vicious stomach bug that pretty much wiped out both sides in a matter of a few days. The big game was postponed.
Finally, Saturday afternoon a few brave souls ventured out with the old pigskin. Grandpa and Allison took on Charlie and Sarah. Charlie's team prevailed, 28-14. Victory, sweet victory! And Charlie still hasn't intercepted the stomach bug.
Charlie. Auntie. Uncle. All else have fallen. Who will be the Survivor?